Constrained Zig

Zigtoberfest 2024

For the Zigtoberfest 2024 I gave a talk about interesting properties of constraint programs. This page provides a small summary of the talk. Also, here are the links to the slides and the code I wrote for the talk.


CHR (Constraint Handling Rules) is a rule-based language and formalism that is typically used through an embedding into a host language. This makes it interesting to see how CHR's declarative nature can be used in languages with a possibly completely different paradigm. Besides that, it also brings cool properties that CHR programs can have to said other languages. Those properties will be what we are looking closer at in this little write-up.

To start off, let's look at a simple example of a CHR program:

min(N) \ min(M) <=> N <= M | true.

This example will compute the minimum of an arbitrary number of values. We can read it like this: If there are two candidates for the minimum, min(N) and min(M), then the minimum is the smaller one of the two and the bigger one will be removed from the list of candidates. What's cool about this notation is that we did not write down the steps of how to compute the minimum, but rather we described how the minimum looks like and the computer will find a fitting solution on its own.


Anytime Algorithms

We start with a simple property that every CHR algorithm has: It is an anytime algorithm. This means that the algorithm can be stopped at any point in time and the state at this time will be a valid approximation of the final result.

This property is especially useful if we need to guarantee a certain response time for our algorithm. Let's say it has to produce a result in under 100ms. Due to it being anytime, we can just stop the computation after 100ms, observe the current state, and return it as an approximation.


Every computer scientist has probably written the fibonacci function at least once in their life. In CHR we can formulate it as follows:

fib(0, R) <=> R = 1 | true.
fib(1, R) <=> R = 1 | true.
fib(N, R) <=> N > 1 |
        N1 = N - 1, N2 = N - 2,
        fib(N1, R1), fib(N2, R2),
        R = R1 + R2.

While this works totally fine, it's also painfully slow — especially for bigger values of N. The reason for this is that we are computing the same values over and over again. If we could just remember and reuse the intermediate results, we could speed this up to linear time complexity.

Achieving this is criminally easy in CHR. We just need to change our simplification rules to propagations and add a little cleanup rule:

fib(N,M1) \ fib(N,M2) <=> M1=M2.

fib(0, R) ==> R = 1 | true.
fib(1, R) ==> R = 1 | true.
fib(N, R) ==> N > 1 |
        N1 = N - 1,  N2 = N - 2,
        fib(N1, R1), fib(N2, R2),
        R = R1 + R2.


The next property we will look at is confluence. Not every CHR program is necessarily confluent, but it's a very desirable property to have, since it will give us other handy properties for free. A program is confluent if it will always produce the same result for a given input, regardless of the order in which the rules are applied or in which order the query is given. Therefore, the relation of the initial and final state is a function.


Given that our algorithm is confluent, its also incremental or online. But what does that mean? In an online algorithm, we can add new constraints to the system at any time and they will eventually participate in the computation. This is very powerful, especially in e.g. feedback loops where we need to react to new input constantly.

Declarative Concurrency

Writing correct concurrent programs is typically hard. But with a confluent CHR program not so much. Actually, we don't have to do anything at all. We can just take a hand full of constraints and put it on one machine, and put the other ones on another machine, evaluate both sets in parallel, bring them back together and we will have a correct result that equals the one we would have gotten if we would have evaluated everything on one machine.

If you wanna try it out, here's a simple implementation of the map-reduce pattern.

map(OP) \ v(X) <=>
    C =.. [OP, X, R],

reduce(OP) \ r(X), r(Y) <=>
    C =.. [OP, X, Y, R],